- wscltest is a Comand Line Interface (CLI) program, writen in C#.
- tests are described in a xml file (Tests.xml, the “configuration file”).
- wscltest works over a working directory, where the configuration file (Tests.xml) and the request files must reside, and where the response files are saved.
- wscltest can be executed from the working directory, without arguments, or from another location with an argument (-wd) to specify the working directory.
- A proxy can be specified.
- wscltest can generate a request dynamically from a previous response by xslt or by invoking an external program or script.
- automatic generation of templates for the configuration file and the request ones from a wsdl.
- Possibility to do load tests.
- results reporting in two ways: 1/ as a summary at the console, and 2/ as a xml file with an associated xslt for its visualization on a web browser
In addition I would like the program evolve to assimilate RESTful and xml-rpc webservices, and also a new module that provides a graphic user interface in GTK# (but not in an immediate future, and provided that it maintains the easiness of use).